
Who is the webmaster?

Hi, you can call me Malice. I run the show here and it's pretty fun! You can find me on Evthreads and the Evanescence Discord.

Where do you find your graphics?

Originally I found some of them on Tumblr, then I started looking at Internet Archive's GifCities, which usually linked their gifs back to an archive of the site they found it from, which lead me to more old sites. I also find them on graphics sites like Avatar Hell and Glittergraphics.com, DeviantArt, and some lovely people have donated their own graphics as well :)

Hey, I made that! Please credit me.

If your graphics are on here and they don't link back to your site, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I found a lot of these in secondhand places, I lose track of where I got what all the time, and I've found out that some sites I linked back to were not the original creators of those graphics and it sucks to not be able to give proper credit! You can contact me in the Guestbook, EvThreads, the Evanescence Discord, or email me at malicescence@proton.me and we can get this settled. Additionally, if you want to be on the credits/thank you page, let me know and I'll do that for you!

Hey, I made that! Please take it down.

No problem! Contact me using the above methods. Just know that the Wayback Machine archives this site constantly, so people will still be able to see it through there.

Hey, I made that, but it goes to my old website! Please change it to my new site/social media profile.

That can be done, contact me using the above methods.

What's the best way to view these defunct websites?

For the best possible experience, download Ublock Origin ad blocker, Ruffle Flash emulator and the Wayback Machine image fixer. Some sites still might be partially or completely broken even after using these, though, sorry. Definitely use the ad blocker anyway, because some sites may have weird ads. Archivescence is not responsible for any ads, viruses, or hot singles in your area that you may encounter if you don't use an adblocker.

Woah, why is that graphic/interview/website here? It says something weird/awful!

This website is an archive, so I treat it as a neutral space that merely documents history. You are going to see stuff that did not age well! People had no idea what Ben did until like 2005, so you will see graphics and websites that show support for former members whether they deserve it now or not. You are going to see websites made by kids in the 2000's where they very much act like kids in the 2000's. You will even find articles and interviews where Amy and other members say stuff that, again, did not age well! Just because it is on this site doesn't mean I support, endorse, or condone ANY of it. I am just documenting Ev history, even if I don't agree with some of it.

Can I use these graphics?

Honestly, I don't know! 99.99% of this stuff was not made by me and chances are they are ~20 years old at this point. If the site the image links to is still active, check their policy on using their stuff. If it's from any official Evanescence pages, you're probably fine. If it's from a defunct site, you're also probably good. If it's the one Blingee I made of Amy in the angel wings, go for it, you don't even have to ask or give credit. If it's a site asset (backgrounds, the sketchbook, etc) please ask beforehand and please credit me if I say yes.

Is there anything that you refuse to put on the site?

Yes. I will not include:
  • Any image that features a fan's face on it (or really anyone that isn't part of the band/isn't well known, such as friends and family of band members and such)
  • Leaked material or sites that have/link to leaked material (You, unreleased music that dates after the 2002 leaked demos, etc)
  • Explicit material, obviously, but I haven't come across any of that thank goodness
  • Anything that would be otherwise deemed extremely offensive/unsettling (racism, gore, you get the picture). Again, haven't seen that either, but then again I don't go through every single page of every single website I post, so if you happen to come across something like that on a site, let me know and I'll handle it.
  • Can you post my graphics/website?

    I sure can! Contact me and I'll get them up as soon as I'm able to.

    Can I be an affiliate?

    Contact me with a link to your site and a button and I'll most likely say yes!

    Can I help you run the site?

    Sorry, but I prefer to do this on my own! You can still help out by sending graphics, articles/interviews, and websites to me, they're always appreciated.